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Notable locations, left-right, top-bottom: (names wip)
The Gleaming Demon: underground/hidden bar
Temple of [name]
Abandoned Temple
Magical bookstore
The Library of Amaryllis
Armor & swordsmith
Pawn shop
Howling Spider: rowdy pub
IRS Headquarters
Upperclass dining

Dragonpoint is the second-largest city in Amaryllis, and the oldest. It has been run by a family of dragonborns since its founding many years ago. The Drulrac Clan rules with a kind heart, and their efforts to improve the city have never gone unnoticed. The community thrives off each other, and the city is known for its hospitality and bustling marketplace. Those born and raised in Dragonpoint are very patriotic and proud of their hometown.

However, there is still crime and those who wish to do evil, so the Drulrac Council elected to allow the IRS to set up base in Dragonpoint. The agency is a very recent addition, and some older citizens disagree with the decision. Because of this, any visible IRS agent is at risk of scorn from particular neighborhoods.

[statue history]